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    Vehicle details

    The (VIN) is located in the drawbar of your camper trailer or caravan

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    Please write down a brief description of what you are looking for and we will take it from there.

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    Can a solid axle hard floor camper trailer under $15k go off-road?

    Check out Craig’s review left on our Facebook page and judge for yourself:

    “Just completed a 12002km round trip from Emerald QLD to the Kimberley’s in our Mars Vanguard.
    Gibb river road, Kalumburu, Cape Leveque, Broome, Tunnel Creek, The Bungle Bungles, Darwin and everywhere in between.
    The Vanguard stood up to all road and weather conditions perfectly. 9 weeks on the road and no flat tyres, mechanical issues or broken welds.
    Excellent value for money camper, and would recommend anyone looking for an easy to use, easy to tow, affordable camper to not go past the Mars range of campers.
    Thanks Mars and happy camping everyone!” – Craig Harms

    Next steps

    At Mars Campers we work hard to develop the best value for money camper trailers with a view of helping you create memorable experiences with your loved ones.

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    Mars Campers Finance Option

    The Weekly Repayment Amount is intended as an indication only. Loans are subject to the lender’s terms, conditions and lending criteria.

    For more information, visit Dealer Business Solutions.