
    Personal details

    Your Location


    Vehicle details

    The (VIN) is located in the drawbar of your camper trailer or caravan

    Additional notes

    Please write down a brief description of what you are looking for and we will take it from there.

    Attach an image

    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.

    Submit your enquiry

    Thank you for your enquiry, we will be in touch soon. Please check your junk mail if you do not hear from us.

    Mars Campers regularly attend 4WD, Caravan and Camping Shows across the country. See which upcoming shows and events we have lined up below.

    November 22 to 24 - Bendigo Caravan & Camping Leisurefest (CCIA VIC)

    Bendigo Caravan & Camping Leisurefest (CCIA VIC)



    Friday to Saturday: 9:30am – 5:00pm

    Sunday: 9:30am – 4:00pm





    Apiam Bendigo Racecourse
    Heinz St, Ascot, VIC 3551

    Bendigo Caravan & Camping Leisurefest

    Mars Campers Finance Option

    The Weekly Repayment Amount is intended as an indication only. Loans are subject to the lender’s terms, conditions and lending criteria.

    For more information, visit Dealer Business Solutions.