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    Dream Camper Trailer Set-Up

    If money was no object and design and manufacturing resources limitless, what would your ultimate camper look like?

    Here are our ideas about what would make the ultimate, no-holds-barred dream camper.

    Practical aspects first

    Alternative energy

    Lightweight, but with steel-like strength — the idealised future camper will be a dawdle to tow. With the current massive surfeit on fossil fuels, it seems the future towing rig will be less about grunt and more about streamlined efficiency, as the planet’s reliance on petroleum diminishes. If so, then it stands to reason that the camper attached to the towball will need to be less conspicuous.

    This doesn’t mean things will become sparse and less feature-packed. Far from it. The camper of the future will be like a Swiss pocket knife, jam-packed with technology and gadgetry, designed to take their occupants out to increasingly remote locations in comfort, convenience and safety like never before.

    Self-sufficient power generation is already here, but in the future this technology will be super affordable and far more powerful and efficient. Some of the world’s finest scientific and entrepreneurial minds are already on the case. Elon Musk has committed to a massive multi-billion dollar investment in battery storage technology in South Australia, just east of Port Augusta. Every scientific body on Earth, from NASA to the CSIRO are focused on developing alternate energy options that work, are affordable and non-polluting.

    Phones and laptops will only get better

    Destination Fraser

    Improved communications, as well as alternate energy generation tech, will allow people to get way off the beaten track in relative safety. The camper set-up of the future will most likely be bristling with wireless satellite internet capability that, up until now, were sci-fi.

    Food prep, medical aid and specialty outdoor outfitting

    Food and secure sleeping arrangements will also, inevitably, improve, but there’s only so many ways one can lie down, rest and prepare meals.

    Clothing and medical aid will, perhaps, witness interesting development. If we take Star Trek as an example, maybe we’ll all be getting about in some sort of utilitarian jumpsuit? Something that’s hard-wearing, lightweight, cool in summer but also able to withstand sub-zero cold. Imagine that?

    What Next?

    At Mars Campers we work hard to develop the best value for money camper trailers with a view of helping you create memorable experiences with your loved ones.

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    Mars Campers Finance Option

    The Weekly Repayment Amount is intended as an indication only. Loans are subject to the lender’s terms, conditions and lending criteria.

    For more information, visit Dealer Business Solutions.