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    Camper kitchens of the future.

    How will people boil their billys in the future? Will the good ‘ol Dutch oven still have a place? Will camper trailer kitchens continue to evolve so that they eventually become indistinguishable from cordon bleu restaurants?

    It’s obvious that there’s been somewhat of a revolution in the way people prepare their meals when out camping. Talk to an old-timer, and they’ll talk of shooting, skinning, gutting and then roasting on a jerry-rigged spit, some form of wild beast or fish.

    campfire cooking

    These days, if you’re lucky enough to own a camper trailer, there’s typically a full-blown fold-out kitchen complete with stainless steel bench and sink, gas burner hobs and delightfully chilled fridge at your beck and call.

    So, I hear you ask. Where will it all end? Are our children and our children’s children destined to be served meals cooked in compact kitchens that, in the right hands, could conceivably produce a three Michelin-hatted meal? Will Mars as camper manufacturers somehow find a way to incorporate smokers or thermo-mixers into their future designs?

    Gone are the days when a simple tin of bully beef or beans suffice. I can remember when good ‘ol dumplings in golden syrup were the height of campsite sophistication. Serve that up now and your kids will titter and giggle.

    Our view is that camper kitchens will indeed continue to become more complex. We can conceive of a whole restaurant-style line system in place, with separate prep stations and multiple cooktops so several people at once can cook individual components for a big meal, just like in a restaurant.

    This won’t be a standard feature, of course, but we expect the option to be there for a camper buyer who fancies preparing a cordon-bleu meal for his family and mates Escoffier himself would be proud of, to be available as an add-on.

    And really, can you imagine the delight in sitting down under the stars to enjoy a multi-course degustation menu way out in the middle of the beautiful nowhere?

    Bring it on!

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    At Mars Campers we work hard to develop the best value for money camper trailers with a view of helping you create memorable experiences with your loved ones.

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