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    Australia is a unique place to visit, there’s no denying that! With all our different natural wonders, wildlife, landscapes and of course the people (not to pat ourselves on the back, but Aussies are pretty great), you simply can’t go past Australia for adventure and excitement.

    In Australia, you’ll experience every type of climate and terrain. From sweltering summers and dry outback heat to tropical humidity and snow-capped mountains, there really are a ton of unique experiences that Australia offers.

    When it comes to how you’ll get around, a camper trailer is seriously the best option. Traveling Australia by road brings so much added opportunity for special moments, twists and turns that you don’t see every day.

    Traveling by plane and visiting the tourist locations can be great, sure, but when you travel by road you’re able to come across all the great things that happen along the way and stray from the path.

    Prepare to come across everything from remote country towns, animals in the wild, unique communities and things that will make you laugh, or cry, or have your jaw drop to the floor in shock. Whatever you come across in Australia, we can guarantee two things: you won’t be disappointed, and you won’t have come across anything like it in any other country.

    If you’ve got your camper trailer ready to go, you have all of the tools you need to experience these awesome things and places. Once it’s packed with all the essentials and hooked up to your car, there really are no limits or boundaries as to where you can go.

    Hitting the road with your camper trailer in tow means you have every chance to see everything and take the road less traveled. Your home and everything you need is right behind you every step of the way, and it can go wherever you want to go, making sure you’re always able to embrace your time away and create a completely authentic experience for you and your camping companions.

    People travel from all over the world to Australia to see what we have to offer. So, before your upstaged by another backpacker from Europe who has seen more random Aussie things than you, it’s best to get out there and experience them for yourself.

    Without further ado, let’s get stuck into a list of 20 unique things you’ll find in Australia.

    unique things in australia 1

    Crawly and Cuddly Creatures
    1. First off, a warning. Be sure to check the toilets before you use them outside of cities and populated areas. Not to scare you, but there have been lots of cases over the years of snakes appearing in toilet bowls giving users a nice surprise. Some cases are as recent as March 2018, where a tiger snake gave a teenager a nice visit at his home in Noosa. If you do discover a snake in your toilet, at least it will make for a great story!
    2. Speaking of snakes, A group of friends in the northern territory had their dinner interrupted by an amazing sight, a snake that had taken a kangaroo captive and was attempting to eat him. When you take the proper care around them, snakes can be amazing to observe as they slither around and do their thing. Just make sure to keep your distance, if they are a match for a kangaroo, you certainly are no match for them.
    3. The east coast is home to lots of koalas, and although you may only find them sleeping in a tree during the day, come night time they are known to make sounds that could envy the loudest frog you’ve ever heard. Don’t be scared though, the Koala is just making it’s self-known to all the other Koalas. Spot them in trees munching on some eucalyptus and watch out for them on the roads.
    4. In some places, you’ll find bridges and tunnels dedicated to helping Koalas and other wildlife cross the road safely. We’re not joking.cute australian animal
    5. Having your morning surf interrupted by Kangaroos. The Australian natives know no boundaries and can often be found having a dip or bouncing along one of the beautiful stretches of coastline. If you’re looking for a Roo-filled beach, head to Cape Hillsborough at sunrise.
    6. Speaking of having a dip, there’s often Emus found having a break and taking a time out to cool off. Not only are these animals only to be found on our shorelines, being able to interact with them in their native habitat is an unforgettable experience. Try Denham Beach in WA to spot wild Emu’s running on the beach.
    7. Hang out with massive crocs in Northern Australia. Wherever you are along the northern coast, you’re likely to come across one of these giant, feisty beasts. Just stay away and only interact in a controlled environment– they are considered the most dangerous animal we have!
    8. While we’re on the topic of all those big scary animals that can kill you, they also make some of the most delicious meats you’ll taste, and no trip in Australia is complete without trying some Kangaroo, Emu or Crocodile. The Cicada Lodge in Katherine is famous for serving up all three.
    Unforgettable Moments

    9. Stop on the side of the road, whip out your camper trailer fridge and make a vegemite sandwich. Wash it down with a Golden Gaytime for good measure. Aussie delicacies.

    10. Stand where the Indian and southern oceans collide in Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia. Australia’s most south-westerly mainland point. With icy waters flowing up from Antarctica, you can’t do that anywhere else in the world.

    11. Travel on one highway around the world’s largest island. At more than 24,000 km long, the world’s longest national highway is right here in Australia. Here’s the catch, you’ll need permits to access some parts of Arnhem Land and pop your car and trailer on the ferry to Tassie to complete the southern part.

    Nature's Marvels of Australia

    12. Unfortunately, many Australians can go a whole lifetime without knowing too much about aboriginal culture. What better way to learn or teach your kids about our nation’s history than by experiencing it first-hand? Aboriginal Australians are the world’s oldest civilization, so why not learn to throw a boomerang or try your hand at playing the didgeridoo.

    13. Speaking of topping world lists, our very own Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest living organism. The reef is full of beautiful and colourful marine life and coral, and although there are other reefs around the world, ours is pretty special.

    14. Visit one of the 19 UNESCO World Heritage sites in Australia. We bet you didn’t even know we had them. With a landscape so diverse the sites range from reefs to natural parks, awesome structures like the opera house and convict sites like the Freemantle prison. Tick them off the bucket list!

    Quirky Characteristics

    15. Spend a few nights in the underground town of Coober Pedy. This mining town in South Australia is almost entirely underground to protect residents from the heat, and it’s a must do when traveling that way. Pick up some local opal and stay in an underground camping ground.

    16. Cape Tribulation in Tropical North Queensland is an amazing sight. It’s where the rainforest meets the ocean. Here, you’ll find two world heritage listed locations coming together to create one of the most beautiful places you’ll ever see.

    17. Western Australia is home to the last and oldest fossils on earth called Stromatolites. Pretty great if you ask us. You can find them in Shark Bay, Western Australia.

    18. For some reason, many moons ago, Australia felt the need to create big versions of little things we like. The Big Pineapple, The Big Lobster, The Big Banana, The Big Ned, Kelly…. Need we go on? They’re weird, they’re quirky and they’re unapologetically over the top. they’re Australian!

    19. Experience Arnhem Land, a remote part of the Northern Territory. Here. You can expect to find beautiful scenery, rugged coastlines, remote islands, rivers teeming with fish, rainforest, towering escarpments, and savannah woodland. You need permits to enter and visit, keeping the authenticity of Aboriginal culture alive and prominent

    20. Visit the sporting capital of the world, Melbourne. From AFL to Tennis, Netball and just about every other sport, this is one that sports lovers cannot miss.

    Next Steps

    Now that you’re excited about all the weird, whacky and wonderful things you can see on the road in Australia, see them in your Mars Camper. Take a look at our range and start imagining the possibilities.

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