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    Rear fold campers strike a nice balance between soft floor and forward fold campers. They’ve been around for a few years now, and are usually quicker to set up than softfloors and forward folds.

    The tent opens out on a hinge located at the trailer’s rear, to reveal a bed that’s opposite a hard floor resting 10cm up from the ground. The main storage areas are located under the bed and front toolbox.

    This internal area is less furnished in a hard floor than on a forward fold, but as the floor is close to the ground, most manufacturers will provide three entry doors inside.

    Setting up a hard floor camper is relatively straightforward but they do prefer flat ground. Usually a hard floor camper can stay attached to your car or 4WD if you arrive late at camp, or when you’re frequently stopping overnight on the way to your destination — making them great for touring.

    Kitchens on rear fold campers are usually located in a slide-out drawer near the front of the camper (from under the bed), with the fridge in the toolbox close by. Therefore, the awning is usually longer than the main tent which can increase set-up time.

    Like forward folds, rear fold campers can be heavy at the drawbar, but this tends to be less pronounced due to the location of the main hinge. What’s more, the position of the hinge lets manufacturers taper the trailer’s rear so you’re less likely to hit a snag off the beaten track.


    Rearfolds in a nutshell: Easy long term tourers with all the pleasures of camping under canvas


    • Three access doors to the tent
    • Hardfloor under foot
    • Easy to open
    • Fast setup times
    • Can usually remain attached to the rig
    • Prefers flat sites
    • Good departure angles
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    At Mars Campers we work hard to develop the best value for money camper trailers with a view of helping you create memorable experiences with your loved ones.

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