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    The (VIN) is located in the drawbar of your camper trailer or caravan

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    Extending The Longevity of Your Camper Trailer Tent

    There’s nothing quite like a few nights under the canvas, that is unless it’s gone all mouldy! Sunlight is your biggest friend here. It goes without saying you should never store canvas away when it’s damp or wet, at least not for any more than a day or two. And believe it or not, sunlight is one of the best ways to kill mould once it’s started to develop too.

    But water isn’t always the enemy. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. A regular hose down obviously helps keep it clean, which prevents things like bird droppings and acidic seeds from penetrating any canvas coatings, but it can also help with the waterproofing side of things too by causing the canvas threads to swell and close up any holes in the weave. You’d be amazed at what a difference simply airing the tent out regularly can do for the camper’s longevity too.

    Mars Campers Finance Option

    The Weekly Repayment Amount is intended as an indication only. Loans are subject to the lender’s terms, conditions and lending criteria.

    For more information, visit Dealer Business Solutions.