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    The Ultimate Camper Larder

    What sort of foods should be stocked in the ultimate camper trailer pantry and fridge?
    It’s all well and good to have a kitchen fit for a cordon bleu restaurant, but if you’ve nothing to cook, what good is it? Here’s our rundown on the essentials.
    What you stock your larder with of course depends on the adventure you intend on taking, so we’ve decided to jot down a few thoughts you may find yourself for your next trip.

    Cured meats.

    Salamis and other types of dried or preserved meat you can hang in a dry shady spot once your campsite is established. This will provide a good source of, albeit salty, protein. Of course, if you’re near the sea or a river and are so equipped, hopefully you’ll supplement your cured meat intake with fish and other seafood.

    Canned goods.

    It always pays to have a few tins of fruit and fish handy. Tins are typically quite heavy, so think assiduously about what types of tinned food to pack. Tinned fish, tinned fruits and the like are usually very welcome when these things run short when way out bush. Tinned fish, in particular, tastes amazingly good when you’re in the outback and in need of a dose of protein.


    Nuts, lentils and grains have a good shelf life and provide great nutritional value for the weight they represent. A big sack of rice and lentils should be mandatory. They’re easy to cook and can be flavoured with just about anything (even a tin of fish).

    Seeds for sprouting.

    Green vegies are often in short supply when out bush. Sprouting mung beans or bean sprouts offer a decent hit of green food nutrients. All you need to do is chuck a few in an empty clear plastic bottle, add some water to start sprouting, then harvest and eat as necessary.


    Salt, pepper, chilli, sauces. These help to make a dry, relatively tasteless but nutritionally rich meal, tastier. Having a nice, hot, tasty meal is key for maintaining moral when an adventure becomes arduous. Imagine sitting through a week of miserable rain and cold then having to sit down to a tasteless, insipid meal?

    Bread-making ingredients.

    Wheat, flour, water, yeast, salt, some sort of oil or butter.
    Mix the lot together, knead, add any savoury or sweet additions, whack into a camp oven, cover with hot coals, leave for an hour or two, then: hey presto!

    Warm, delicious, smile-inducing fresh bread. It’ll put a smile on every dial.

    Fresh fish and protein.

    This is up to you and in many cases, one of the main reasons you’ve hit the bush in the first place.
    There’s no shrink wrapped produce out where you are. You’ll have to rely on your rod and tackle, or perhaps, crab-pots or speargun.

    Next steps

    At Mars Campers we work hard to develop the best value for money camper trailers with a view of helping you create memorable experiences with your loved ones.

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