15 ft. Family Off Road Hard Top Caravan
15 ft. Couples Off Road Hard Top Caravan
20 ft. Couples Off Road Caravan
17 ft. Luxury Off Road Caravan
15 ft. Island Bed Off Road Caravan
15 ft. Family Pop Top Hybrid Caravan
15 ft. Couples Pop Top Hybrid Caravan
13 ft. Pop Top Hybrid Caravan for Couples
16 ft. Couples Pop Top Hybrid Caravan
15ft. Luxury Pop Top Hybrid Caravan for Couples
13 ft. Pop Top Hybrid Caravan for Couples
13 ft. Low Profile Pop Top Hybrid Caravan for Couples
15 ft. Low Profile Family Pop Top Hybrid Caravan
13 ft. Low Profile Pop Top Hybrid Caravan for Couples
Low Profile Hybrid Family Caravan
Low Profile Hybrid Caravan
15 ft. Island Bed Off Road Caravan
15 ft. Couples Off Road Hard Top Caravan
20 ft. Couples Pop Top Hybrid Caravan
17 ft. Luxury Off Road Caravan
17 ft. Family Off Road Caravan
15 ft. Couples Pop Top Hybrid Caravan
13 ft. Pop Top Hybrid Caravan for Couples
13 ft. Pop Top Hybrid Caravan for Couples
15 ft. Family Off Road Hard Top Caravan
16 ft. Family Pop Top Hybrid Caravan
16 ft. Family Pop Top Hybrid Caravan with 3 Bunks
15 ft. Family Pop Top Hybrid Caravan
15 ft. Family Off Road Hard Top Caravan
15 ft. Ciuples Off Road Hard Top Caravan
15 ft. Family Pop Top Hybrid Caravan
15 ft. Couples Pop Top Hybrid Caravan
15 ft. Family Pop Top Hybrid Caravan
13 ft. Pop Top Hybrid Caravan for Couples
Hybrid Family Caravan
Hybrid Caravan
As the air turns nippy and many put the cover back on the caravan and put away their camping gear for another year, others are excitedly adding an extra doona to their camping supplies and envisioning toasting marshmallows on a campfire. Every season offers unique experiences to caravanners and campers with winter being no different – so pull the cover back off the caravan and let your winter adventure begin!
Whether it is a weekend getaway or a trip of a lifetime – the Australian winter offers the opportunity to explore some of the world’s most beautiful destinations and there is a Mars Camper to suit every trip.
These destinations provide an array of activities to suit all from rugging up and stargazing by a campfire in the high country to camping on Whitehaven Beach where you can spend your days kayaking the Whitsunday Ngaro Sea Trail or even loading up the van to explore the outback – your trip is only limited by your imagination.
For those of you who like their creature comforts and a more relaxed weekend getaway, try a trip to a local wine region where you can past your time warming up beside a roaring fire while sampling local cuisine and sipping on a full bodied red or for those a little more active you could take a stroll around the town and immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting art galleries, boutique specialist stores and markets.
With Australia having a limited snow season, camping at the base of the mountains or in a town like Bright in North East Victoria is a low-cost alternative and perfect for skiing and snowboarding families and friends. This way you can enjoy your days tackling the slopes before making a short trip back to camp where the temperature is a little warmer and you can enjoy a hot chocolate or hot toddy that warm your hands while snuggling by a campfire telling yarns and laughing over the day’s adventures. And if you find that you still have energy to burn a visit to the local pub for a little socialising, entertainment and chatting with the locals can never go amiss.
warmer weather chasing the sunshine in hopes of avoiding the winter chill; be it Queensland, Northern Territory or Western Australia. Some like the coast in hopes of catching sight of the whale and dolphin pods frolicking in the waves and trying their hand at beach fishing while others like to head inland to explore ancient indigenous rock artwork and be closer to native flora and fauna – the options are limitless and you just need to follow your passion and know that you have the comfort of your Mars Camper to come home to each night.
Caravan and camping is all about bringing people together and making the most out of life so whether you are; adventurous and would love to sandboard on the dunes near Port Stephens; make camp under a River Red Gum on the banks of the Darling River; fancy camping among Indigenous rock artwork and sandstone cliffs at Nitmiluk Gorge; or stroll Ninety Mile Beach at sunset you can do this and more during winter in Australia.
As you can see caravanning and camping in winter opens a whole new world to you and your love ones – all you have to do is ensure you plan and pack accordingly for your chosen destination and then hit the road with your Mars Camper to have amazing adventures and create lasting memories!